Welcome to the Leytonstone School Parent Teacher Association Page.
Leytonstone PTSA is a highly-valued support group of families and staff who are committed to improving pupils’ experiences and widening participation at the school.
Leytonstone School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an active group of parents and carers who work in partnership with the school and students by:
- Raising money to enhance all children's experiences and activities at the school by supporting the purchase of additional equipment and resources that enrich every child's educational experience and benefit the whole school.
- Organising fun events that bring together parents, pupils, staff and the community making Leytonstone an active and integral part of the community.
- supporting the school in putting on events, shows or activities for the pupils to create special occasions which we hope they will remember after leaving Leytonstone school.
Over the past year we have raised over £8000 this has helped to buy sports equipment, fund the councillors room, equipment for the MFL department and with your help we can achieve much more .
How you can get involved?
We are always on the lookout for new members; from volunteering at school plays to sourcing raffle prizes or helping us come up with new ideas.
Please get in touch by emailing
If you are interested in joining the PTSA please get in touch by emailing
Or speak to Mrs Tanswell (ltanswell@leytonstoneschool. org) or Mr Dhanda (
PTSA Meeting dates 2024
Please do join us if you are a parent at the school.
Wed 3rd July from 6:30pm
Zoom details:
Password: g3NWUf
PTSA Events
Christmas Raffle 2024
- If you can’t make it, we draw the best prize for you!
RAFFLE TICKETS are £1 each for a chance to *WIN MANY GREAT PRIZES - all listed below⬇
(Buying in advance helps us to do less writing on each individual ticket on the night!)
1. Make a Bank Transfer to the PTA / Friends of Leytonstone School Bank Account -
Co-op Bank: 65281385
Sort Code: 08-92-99
2. TAKE A SCREENSHOT OF YOUR PAYMENT and SEND by WhatsApp to: 07855549740
along with your full name.
3. You will be given 1 x ticket for each £1 you deposit using your name and mobile no.
Thanks for your SUPPORT and GOOD LUCK!!!
The PTA - Raising funds for Resources for Young People.
Every Child Matters, Every Action Counts.
Prizes So far….
1. Lenovos M10 3rd Gen Android Tablet | 10 inch WUXGA Display | 64GB | Wi-Fi 5 | 4GB - value £150.
2. Hershesons Hair Salon, Fitzrovia - Haircut Voucher.
3. Jo & Kesi Gift Bag.
4. Luxury Food Hamper.
5. The Olive Restaurant - £40 Voucher.
6. Papi Munchies Pizza (at The North Star) - £30 Voucher
7. Arch Deli - £25 Voucher.
8. Eat My Pizza - 3 Course Meal with drinks, for 2.
9. Heathcote & Star - Food and one drink for 2 Voucher
10. The Duke - Gift Voucher - Lunch or Dinner for 2.
11. The Leytonstone Tavern - Free Bottle of Wine Voucher.
12. Zoology Hair Voucher - £30.
13. Tammies Nails - £25 Voucher.
14. Biyoni Luxury Hair Products and Voucher.
15. Ollie’s Kimchi Jars.
16. Leytonstone Chutney & Quality Cheese Biscuits Set.
17. San Marino Cafe - Breakfast Voucher.
18. Mum Likes Thai Food Restaurant - Dinner Voucher.
19. Mum Likes Thai Food Restaurant - Lunch Voucher.
20. Hooksmith Press Print.
21. Le Parisien Cafe - Panini’s / Hot Drink’s / Sweet Treats for 2 Voucher.
22. Horizon Bistro / Cafe - 2 x Panini’s / 2 x Soft Drinks Voucher.
23. & 24. 2 X Family / Movie Night Food Stacks.
25. Perky Blenders Twin Gourmet Coffee Pack.
26. Glass Cups, Coffee & Chocolate Set.
27. Baylis & Harding Toiletry Set.
28. Nivea Giftbox - Feel Beautiful Skin Care Trio.
29. Thai Food Voucher - The North Star Pub.
30. Bottle of Fizz.